
“Quantifying the Definition of the Situation” by Laura Aufderheise Brashears

This ACT lecture is used in Dr. Brashear’s upper-division Self and Identity class. She assigns the following two readings for her ACT days:

  • Boyle, Kaitlin M. and Chase B. Meyer. 2018. “Who Is Presidential? Women’s Political Representation, Deflection, and the 2016 Election.” Socius: Sociological Research For a Dynamic World 4:1-16.
  • Boyle, Kaitlin M. and Ashleigh E. McKinzie. 2015. “Resolving Negative Affect and Restoring Meaning: Responses to Deflection Produced by Unwanted Sexual Experiences.” Social Psychology Quarterly 78:151-72.

Citation: Brashears, Laura Aufderheise. 2020. “Lecture: Quantifying the Definition of the Situation.” Affectcontroltheory.org. http://affectcontroltheory.org/lectures/.

Bio: Dr. Laura Aufderheide Brashears is Instructor of Sociology and Graduate Faculty at the University of South Carolina. Website.