Canada Dictionary 2001-2003

Canada: Ontario, 2001-3. Data on 993 Identities, 601 Behaviors, and 500 Modifiers, and 200 Settings were gathered with the Attitude program from Guelph, Ontario, undergraduates in 2001-2. Data on settings were gathered with the Surveyor program at Guelph in 2003. Funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Identities: 993

Behaviors: 601

Modifiers: 500

Setting: 200

Citation: MacKinnon, Neil J. Mean Affective Ratings of 2,294 Concepts by Guelph University Undergraduates, Ontario, Canada, in 2001-3 [Computer file]. Distributed at Affect Control Theory Website, Program Interact <;, 2006.

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