Canada 1980-1986

Canada: Ontario, 1980-6. Data on 843 Identities and  593 Behaviors were obtained from 5,534 Guelph, Ontario, undergraduates with paper questionnaires in 1980-3, and 495 Modifiers rated by 1,260 Guelph undergraduates were added in 1985-6. Funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

N = 5534

Identities: 843

Behaviors: 593

Modifiers: 495 (N=1260)

Cite as:
MacKinnon, Neil J. Mean Affective Ratings of 1,931 Concepts by Guelph University Undergraduates, Ontario, Canada, in 1980-6 [Computer file]. Distributed at Affect Control Theory Website, Program Interact <;, 2006.

Data Available By Request